Wall of Love Intro - Fundraising Central | GivingGrid

Welcome to Fundraising Central!


Wall of Love

This is your go to place to promote and manage your
Wall of Love (WOL) campaign.

Hopefully you’ve created an awesome campaign that pulls on people’s heartstrings or makes them smile! That’s so important!!

concrete wall 3d rendering

Now it’s time for you to bring the people that are going to donate and share. We make that really easy! 

Make sure you’re logged in and check out all the buttons on the right if you’re on a PC or at the bottom on phones!

Email Sharing (email blast) Rocks!
Without a doubt, the most effective way of reaching out to your supporters is email. In most cases, it’s 10-20 times more effective than social media and social media works great!

Email your Past GivingGrid Donors
If you’ve fundraised with GivingGrid in the past and you want to send a great looking quick email to everyone that’s donated to your past campaigns, click the “Email Past Donors” button on the right. We will automatically create the email based on your new campaign (or the campaign selected) and then you’ll be able to see a preview, edit text, add or change photos and even send a test before you blast.

Email to your own Lists of Donors/Supporters
If you use MailChimp or Constant Contact, we make sending an email blast a breeze. With just a little more than a click of a button, we automatically create the email (based on your campaign) and then allow you to select which of your lists to send it to. GivingGrid actually integrates with MailChimp and Constant Contact. It’s so cool!! And don’t worry, we have no access to your email addresses, just the list name(s).

Now go for it! Just click on the logo of the one you use and make it happen! You’ll be able to see a preview, edit text, add or change photos and even send a test before you blast.

If you use something other than MailChimp or Constant Contact, click the “Email HTML” button. You can copy that code into your email editor and your email will be ready to go!

Social Media
Those buttons are set up to automatically include your link and more in your post. Click on a few and see what’s up. Social media rocks too, so make sure you use those buttons or post yourself on your pages.

Use every medium available (email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, phone calls, smoke signals, whatever) and try different messages. Then 
maybe you have to do it all over again. You might feel like you’re bugging people, but in reality, you’d be amazed how many don’t even notice the first couple of times or they plan to donate or take a look, but forget. Sometimes just a simple little nudge is all it takes.

Good luck!!