Facebook - Fundraising Central | GivingGrid


We recommend 1-2 posts every day for the first few days. As we mentioned, the launch is super important. Try scheduling at different time intervals to see what works best. For example, on day one, try 11:30am and 5:30pm and day two, 2:30pm and 7:00pm and so on. Measure your response on each, so you get a feel for what times are getting the greatest reach.

Just like with email, your sole objective is to get them to click to your GivingGrid. Short and sweet is so important here and remember to include the link to your GivingGrid. In addition, a great photo or video always helps! Use the video overlay feature mentioned in the emails section. 

Once again, we recommend not to mention anything about a donation, although we realize that sometimes it just can’t be avoided. Just come up with creative ways to get them to your GivingGrid. For example, if you’re an animal related nonprofit, maybe you put a cute photo in your post and tell them to click and go see more. Make sure you load your GivingGrid with a bunch of great pics! If it’s a personal fundraiser, maybe you give your audience a little snippet of information about your story and tell them to click to read more…

There are so many creative options, but we can’t stress enough the importance of getting your supporters/audience to your GivingGrid, first and foremost.