W3S Memorial for Arlene Tellis

W3S Memorial for Arlene Tellis

Our Grandmother, Lee Lee, taught us so many different things helping shape who we are today. She often referred to us as "renaissance men" as she showed us how to roll a mean meatball, make ravioli from scratch, toss a homemade pizza in the air, bake italian Easter bread with colored eggs in it and more. Lee Lee was a great story teller. From the time we were young Lee Lee often told us stories from the family vault about her childhood, her travels, historical people or mythical creatures. She watched all the Harry Potter and Marvel movies with us loving the creativity and adventure it sparked in our young minds.

Lee Lee taught us how to play cards, play mahjong, and make hats out of orange peels. She not only loved to teach us and learn with us, but most of all, experience things with us. Even though Lee lee was petrified of heights, she made sure that didn't stop her from riding the roller coasters and water slides with us on vacation. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her grandsons.

Lee lee was the best entertainer, seamstress and gift giver. When we would go to visit her she always had a special treat, made us a fancy mocktail in a stemmed glass, and a boy friendly appetizer making us feel like we were the most special and important people in the room.  She planned outings to places like the theater, the movies, mini golf, and amusement parks, to alligator farms and military forts knowing exactly how to entertain her rambunctious grandsons. She supported our crazy ideas, sewed us blankies, capes, tooth fairy pillows, and various body parts back on to our stuffed animals. She gifted us clever gifts often having to do with whatever hobby, sport or activity we happened to be into at the moment. She sent us a card for every occasion (even Halloween) and always made sure to fill it with a cash. Lee Lee paid attention to our interests, was our biggest cheerleader and truly believed we were the most brilliant and clever kids on earth.

Lee Lee was full of wisdom and knowledge both of which we learned to challenge as we got older. She liked to have fun and could laugh at herself while challenging us back in a fun loving way. Just the week before she passed she was throwing water balloons at us. When she missed and was too weak to chase us, she made sure we stood still so she wouldn't miss a second time. We knew it was in good fun as Lee Lee was the most loving grandmother who gave the best hugs making sure we knew how to "properly" hug back. Lee Lee always told us she loved us to the Moon and Back and sometimes added on some creative places we had never been nor had we ever heard of just to make us smile.

In her previous years, Lee Lee was a fashion designer, a realtor, sat on the board of various organizations, authored a book, wrote a column in a local paper, had a cooking show on local tv and after losing her daughter, helped many grieve the loss of their children. Lee Lee Inspired her 12 year old grandson Wes to create a charity named "W3S" designing a shoe and clothing line to raise money for those like her battling pancreatic cancer. Lee Lee even appeared on the news with Wes during the last few months of her life.

Lee Lee was truly an incredible, inspiring and talented Grandmother who went above and beyond for her family. We can't think of a better way to honor our her than to create a fund in her memory with proceeds going to pancreatic cancer charities such as The Lustgarten Foundation and The Rolfe Foundation in hopes that no one has to lose their Grandmother, mother, or anyone else to this incurable disease. Please consider donating in her honor and/or sporting something from the W3S shoe/clothing line at w3s.shop, all proceeds go to the same place.

It would also mean a lot to us if you could use the link below to make a video telling us of one of your favorite memories of Lee Lee so we can have it for years to come.


With love and thanks to the moon and back,

Colby, Trent, Wes and Keaton




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GivingGrid Blaze

$100 Contribution made by Linda Spears.

So sorry for your loss....we should all wish to be as inspirational and talented as Lee Lee.   Wishing you comfort as you remember  a great lady. 

$50 Contribution made by Joy Harmon.

I am so thankful I got to know Ms. Lee Lee this past year. She will stay close to my heart ❤️

$50 Contribution made by Nan Kaftan.

Arlene was a wonderful woman, a great neighbor in Massachusetts and a true family matriarch . She will be deeply missed.

Contribution made by Sharon McCarthy.

What a wonderful tribute to your mom❤️. Good luck Wes I hope you reach your goal 

$300 Contribution made by George & Marjorie Kaplan.

Contribution made by Cara DeLura.

Arlene’s love is forever felt. ❤️❤️❤️ She was also so good to us tromping in and out of her home. We teens were ALWAYS welcomed warmly, fed and made safe. 

$100 Contribution made by Laraine Lamb.

This was a wonderful tribute to your mother. I enjoyed having her visit me a couple of years ago in Virginia, we had a great visit. You girls did a wonderful job taking care of her. She will always be watching over you with loving eyes. Thanks Laraine

$100 Contribution made by Christine Fried.

Arlene was such a special person. So enigmatic, kind, caring, generous. I loved that she could laugh at herself and when she did her eyes would squint and then she'd justify why she did what she did, even if it was outrageous. I've known her my entire life and I'm so grateful for the fun times together and the happy memories. Love you, Arlenie. xoxo 

$50 Contribution made by Donna Gaudioso-Zeale.

A beautiful person inside and out who will be truly missed.  The Zeale Family 😘

Contribution made by Someone who cares.