Urgent help needed for Rexy!

While waiting outside the owner's home, the smell of neglect hit us before anything. We looked at each other and said could that be coming from the dog? We peeked through the fence to find Rexy's sad eyes peering up at us, as he laid in his filth, locked in his shed.

Will you donate to help with Rexy's medical bills?

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Campaign Details

As soon as I, Jennifer, and Jessica were allowed inside, we did a quick medical assessment to determine Rexy's state of health. Although we were strangers to him, he welcomed us with a kiss to the nose and a paw in the hand.

We noticed his multiple skin lesions and swollen paws all oozing with pus and blood. He was emaciated and malnourished. We gave each other a look and knew we had to get him out of there immediately. 

He was in too much pain to walk, so we lifted him into the back seat of our car. That's when we noticed our arms dripping in grease. We asked the owner "what is this?" he replied, "motor oil to treat the lesions". We were dumbfounded that Rexy was being treated with oil. 

Poor Rexy was living daily in such immense pain that he couldn’t even get up. Covered in motor oil and filth in his matted fur. His paws so badly swollen and bloody from infection and starving too! His entire body sheathed in infected wounds and sores, causing the smell of death to emit off from his emaciated body.

We had to rescue Rexy from this life of misery that he dealt with for over 6 years so we rushed him to our vet to get him the medical help that he desperately needed.

Please make a donation so that we can give him the life he deserved all along!

Sharing Rexy's Fundraiser with your family and friends can be a great way of helping as well.

Bobbi and the Strays

About the Organization

Bobbi and the Strays, a non-profit, no-kill organization, rescues and provides essential care for orphaned, stray, abused, and special needs cats and dogs. Through rehabilitation, socialization, and adoption, we provide a humane service to all animals that come into our care.

80-36 Cooper Avenue, Glendale NY, 11385
2 Rider Pl., Long Island, NY, 11520

EIN: 11-3444285




  • Update

    Rexy is doing fantastic!!! He loves to play and run in our dog play area. After spending so many years locked up, he has the freedom to run, enjoy the sun, the fresh air, and the grass. 
    Rexy still needs a little more mental rehabilitation due to the severity of not receiving much attention from humans. But with all the love, exercise, agility training that he is getting, he is becoming friendly and trusting.  
    We are so happy to see him enjoying life and believe that he will find the perfect family to call his own.

  • Update

    We want to let you know that Rexy is coming along well. He's wearing a soft collar to keep him away from the wounds that are still healing. But overall, his recovery is going well, he is receiving lots of love, attention, kisses, and the best of care.

  • Update


    At the vet, where they took very good care of Rexy. All of his wounds were treated and medications were given to help him heal. He is still being evaluated for further medical issues, but he is definitely improving and is receiving loads of love. We will keep you updated as his recovery progresses. Rexy sends his love.

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