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Campaign Details
Part of Giving Tuesday Black Cat fundraising involves promoting some of our adoptable cats and Wookins, Weigela, Weston, Morie & Mortie are our perfect spokes kitties. These guys are just as happy to play with people as their siblings and then curl up in laps. Beautiful, loving and representative of how wonderful black and black/white cats can be!
Of the 746 cats neutered as of 11/23/21, 233 were black or black/white! Take a look at our adoptable cats and make a difference for them as well as yourselves – these cats will change your lives!
Our 2021 Black Cat #Giving Tuesday Fundraiser supports the many cats and kittens that have no caretaker to donate to cover the costs of spay/neuter and we want strive to neuter them all!
Because of our generous donors who wanted to see their donations go further, we currently have $15,000 in funds to be matched! This might be our most aggressive goal to date, please help us meet it. Go to our Giving Grid, make a donation and share your own favorite photos, its great to see photos of some of the Feral Fixers alumni! Whether you donate $10 or $500, you help change the lives of these cats forever. This fundraiser will run to 12/31/21 but please don’t put it off until the last minute.
The cats will have much better lives and we thank you so much!
And, be sure to use Amazon Smile or Giving Assistant (designating Feral Fixers as your supported Charity) when you shop online - it all counts!

Feral Fixers
About the Organization
We practice and promote Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), a full management plan in which stray and feral cats already living outdoors in cities, towns, and rural areas are humanely trapped, evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized by veterinarians. Healthy adult cats unsocialized to humans are returned to their familiar habitat under the lifelong care of their original caretakers. We also help find homes for the adoptable cats we find during our efforts.
PO Box 1416
Lombard, IL 60148
EIN: 13-4364615