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Campaign Details
Guess Mountain Spirit's Age-that's your donation! Post (DNA Age test in!) one of 3closest guesses, donate that guess in dollars, and win one of 3 prizes! Help Animals in Need in New Mexico- the state with the *WORST abandonment rate in the U.S.! HELP to reduce the suffering by supporting Low-Income Spay-Neuter, Pet Food Bank, and Rescue Transport! Mountain Spirit and AnimalVillageNM are "counting on you"❤️.
Because They🐾 Love Us,
Sunny Aris, Director AnimalVillageNM

Animal Village NM
About the Organization
Mountain Spirit, Formerly Feral rez Dog- now our ambassador & service dog in training- was rescued 2019, in terrible health. Age was estimated at 3 years. When in good health, his vet wondered, could he be younger? Now we’ve received his DNA Age test! Donate amount in years/months you guess his age to be (ex. 6.2yrs, Donate $6.20.) Prizes for top 3 closest guesses! Support Spay-Neuter, Pet Food Bank, & Rescue Transport at AnimalVillageNM!
1202 Sudderth Drive #564
Ruidoso, NM 88345
United States
EIN: 27-4461260