Bridge Matching Fund Contest

$2500 Matching Fundraiser Challenge to Benefit Bridge Boarding!! Get in on the giving fun, NOW!! Who does not LOVE a good contest/challenge?? One of our very good rescue partners, Home at Last has challenged us to raise $2500 starting today, Nov 29 and running for 25 days, til Dec 24! IF we raise $2500 BEFORE Home at Last does, a $2500 match will kick in and every dollar you donate towards this special campaign will be doubled!!

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  • $2,525Raised
  • $2,500Goal

Double your gift! First group to raise $2500, gets a match!


  • Update

    WOW!!  Just wow!!! 

    This is the first campaign of this type that we have run and gosh,  it was so much fun and YOU did not let us down.  I mean a contest for a match?  Sounds crazy but the donor was specific on how she wished to run this campaign and we crossed the finish line first earning the full match of $2500 to support our Bridge Boarding facility. 

    Home at Last Rescue has been partnering with Darlington for years now.  Neil (our poster dog) finally had a turn in his luck when Laura his foster mom with the group said she would help him by fostering him.  All it takes is one person to do one thing and the impact can be so huge!  And here we are now, years later and Laura is challenging us to raise funds to meet a match and WE DID IT!! 

    Neil is certainly living the dream now as are literally hundreds of other pets that Home at Last has pulled over the years.  We are fortunate to have such an incredible rescue challenging and helping us and then fantastic folks, LIKE YOU, giving and making a real difference to pets who count on Bridge Boarding as a safe haven til they are able to leave to their new safe spot.  

    Thank you for giving to honor Laura's father, Frederick Pappalardi who recently passed away.  He was an animal lover who supported his daughter's passion for animal rescue and inspired this matching campaign.   Bridge Boarding is supported 100% by donations so the only way we can keep those doors open is through gifts just like yours!  THANK YOU again for responding to our plea.  We would not ask if the need was not there. 

    We are grateful for your support! 


    Ps. I'm sure Neil never thought in his wildest dreams as he sat in his kennel at the shelter day in and day out way back in 2014 and 2015 that one day he would wind up in a snow bank.  The photo below makes us smile as dreams come true even if it turns out to be a snowy dream!



Campaign Details

Why us?  Why now?  
Back in 2014,  Neil arrived as a very shy dog. He was with us months and months and months UNTIL finally in combination of Kim Tiedemann taking him into foster and Home at Last agreeing to help him,  he was finally SAFE!!  In total, Neil was under our care for over a YEAR before he left for rescue with Home at Last.  Neil's Rescue Foster Mom, Laura Leypoldt is the brain child and supporter for this incredible contest/campaign.  Her father Frederick Pappalardi who recently passed away was an animal lover who supported his daughter's passion for animal rescue.  He would have celebrated his birthday on November 29.  

By working together,  Neil is now living the life every dog should lead.  YOUR GIFT to OUR CAMPAIGN,  will directly help us save many lives, just like Neil's by providing much needed funding to keep our Bridge Boarding facility open.

What is Bridge Boarding?  

Bridge Boarding is a transitional facility that takes in and cares for pets who have rescue and are waiting for their transport ride and pets who have special medical and or emotional needs.  Bridge Boarding directly saves lives by freeing up much needed space at the shelter so we have room to take in that next pet in need.  Bridge Boarding is 100% supported by donations only.  We do not receive any county funds to keep this life saving facility open.  

Are you in it to win it?  
Is Neil inspiration enough for you to give? How about Laura's dad, Frederick who instilled in his daughter the love for animals and helping homeless animals?

WE CAN DO THIS but we NEED YOUR HELP!  Timing is critical.  We need your support now so we reach the goal of $2500 BEFORE our friends and valued rescue partner, Home at Last does. 

Please, won't you give ASAP and then share this link on your Facebook page and together,  we will cross the finish line first and your donation will be matched! 

Darlington County Humane Society- Rescue

About the Organization

DCHS-Rescue is a 501 c (3) located in Darlington SC.   We are a dedicated team of volunteers whose goal is to reduce the euthanasia rate at our high kill shelter, improve the health of all shelter pets by providing veterinary and medical care and provide a safe boarding area at our Bridge Boarding facility while waiting to transport to approved Rescue partners.  Due to low adoption rates, we rely heavily on rescues to pull and save our pets.



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