Loan payoff for Refugee expenses

Urgent help needed for Rescue the Rescuers !

We borrowed the money to cover the bill that was due on Feb 15, but it is a short-term loan and we need to pay that back.  It is very important we hit goal. We appreciate everyone's help. We need to keep these people safe while we work on long-term solutions.  

Paws Unite People are doing everything they can to help them. We have joined Afghan Evac Coalition and are exploring all avenues of long-term support. Paws Unite People have taken out a short-term loan to cover the bill that this fundraiser was for, but it needs to be repaid soon. We had to provide collateral which means our own animal rescue is at risk. 

























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Campaign Details

KSAR supporters helped evacuate KSAR’s animals to safety in Canada, but some of KSAR’s staff who saved them is still trying to make it to the West.
Paws Unite People managed to secure a private donation to cover travel, legal fees, and document replacements needed in order to get the group safe to a 3rd country while they wait for their visa processing. The funds that Puppy Rescue Mission raised for them were meant to last for a short time while they wait, but now there are unexpected delays in processing refugees. The funds were not sufficient to cover months of waiting in transit.
KSAR staff and the other refugees in this group are afraid of being deported by to Afghanistan when funds run out. They have been beaten and assaulted there, one of them had her face burned with hot water, one suffered a severe concussion, and there were several who barely escaped after attempts on their life. 
 2 of them are already safe in New York, you can read about them and this fundraiser here, and another small group has made it safely to Arizona. Paws Unite People, with the help of some Puppy Rescue Mission volunteers, were able to help set both of those groups up to restart life here in the USA.
The staff here in the USA are pleading with you to save their colleagues. Let there be a happy ending for Barfi the cat, who arrived safely in Canada with the other KSAR cats and dogs, and her owner, a former KSAR vet stuck in transit waiting for his visa to US to be processed. Barfi is on her way to stay with the Doctor's relatives in US, we need to keep her owner safe where he is until thy can be reunited. He cannot return to Afghanistan.
Please help them and the others. It costs us only $32 a day per adult to keep them in safe housing and cover their food and medical needs. the kids are $15 a day. 
Your donation of $5 will cover a meal, $32 covers a whole day, $100 covers food for 2 weeks for a family, $200 covers a family's food for a month. Any amount counts, and a little can do a lot if we all pull together. 
Paws Unite People are doing everything they can to help them. We have joined Afghan Evac Coalition and are exploring all avenues of long-term support. Paws Unite People have taken out a short-term loan to cover the immediately payable bill that this fundraiser was for, but it needs to be repaid soon. We need to hit this goal.
We had to provide collateral which means our own animal rescue is at risk. The animals we are protecting could become homeless if Paws Unite People default on that loan, most of them have nowhere else to go and really depend on us, like handicapped Mr. B and Miss Berry, who are so loved and need so much support and protection. We urgently need your donation, there is no other way to cover this present situation. We could not leave our evacuated group homeless. 
We need your help.

Paws Unite People

About the Organization

Our mission is simple. We support animals and the people who love them. We assist shelter, abused, and neglected animals in finding their purpose in life through rehabilitation and training. We help the people who love them through our outreach in the community.

c/o The Festa Family, 252 Locust Drive
Rocky Point, NY 11778
United States

EIN: 46-2371384



Thank You Gifts

Pup T shirt

For a donation of $100 or more.

We will send a T shirt (they are print to order) to everyone that donates $100 to feb 15-march 15 expenses.

Number Available: Unlimited

Tote Bag

For a donation of $1000 or more.

We will send a PUP tote bag to everyone who donates $1000 or more.
(They are print to order)

Number Available: Unlimited

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