Kaela's 2018 AT Thru Hike

This February I'll be attempting a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.  That means 5-6 months of ascents and descents, beautiful views, and meeting lots of interesting people in the woods. To ensure that I have the proper gear, food, and I can afford a night off every so often so I don't lose my mind in the wilderness, I am trying to partially crowdfund my trip. *Note: when you donate, opt out of the service fee by selecting other and inputting 0

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  • $600Raised
  • $1,000Goal

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Campaign Details

The Appalachian Trail is a rocky footpath 2,190.9 miles long, and spans from Springer Mountain in Northern Georgia to Mt. Katahdin in Maine. I am planning a Northbound Thru-Hike, meaning I start in Georgia. I estimate it will cost between 4000 and 6000 dollars if I make it to Katahdin, so my goal of 1000 dollars would be a great addition to the money I am working to make this Fall.

So why I am I hiking for 6 months instead of going to college?  A very valid question that is probably on most of your minds.  For those who have seen pictures of my adventures this Fall, you realize I have taken the Fall semester off too.  This is because I found at Clemson I was struggling with my mental health.  Taking time off of school to get back to nature, doing something I love, and which makes me feel accomplished and accepted has allowed me to get back to my roots and find my way again. This hike is a culmination of my efforts to mentally strengthen myself and will knock a major accomplishment off my bucket list before I return to the stresses and struggles of trying to get a degree like a normal person. 

You can follow my hike, find out more about my planning and cost breakdown, and look at some sick nature pics on my blog: https://kaelawilbur1998.wixsite.com/thruhikeat

Thanks a bunch!


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