Beverly's 83rd Birthday Wish

Miss Beverly turned 83 on June 30th. 

Her only wish is to see her life's work flourish and survive through these hard times we are all currently facing. 

She worries for the shelters future daily, never knowing when it's doors will permanently close. The kitties, miss Beverly, and our staff will be displaced and what once was a sanctuary for the forgotten and unloved will be no more. 

Please find in it your hearts to help make miss Beverly's only birthday wish come true by donating to this campaign.

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Please Help us make miss Beverly's only wish a reality.

Since September of 1994 miss Beverly has poured her whole heart into Adopt A Cat. Never truly having a day off and facing the years head on with whatever difficulties brought on. 

Thanks to her, the kitties currently in our care have hope of one day having a forever home with their destined family. The same hope is possible for all future AAC resident as long as our doors remain open. 

The shelter has also became a safe haven not only for the kitties but for the staff and volunteers who help make AAC a home. Miss Beverly always saw hope and potential in all who have came through the shelters doors seeking refuge, opportunities, and help.

It is only natural for her only wish to be for Adopt A Cat to continue on. 

Let us all help make her wish a reality.

Thank you!


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