Marshmallow Needs Help

We urgently need your help!

Help us give Marshmallow a chance.  He's been through hell and back.  He was taken to the hospital today after failing to show improvement.  He has been mostly laying down or standing uncomfortably with his head down.  He has labored breathing, has lost a significant amount of weight and is clearly not in good shape.  

Note:  In the video he is referred to a as she - this is an error.  

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Campaign Details

Marshmallow needs your help!

We owe it to him to discover what is wrong and help him heal.  He was part of the seizure/surrender this spring in NJ and our friends at Rancho Relaxo were charged with finding rescues to take in all the horses.  13 Hands was selected to take 4.  We slowly rehabilitated and worked with all of them.  Sadly, we lost his mate, Stormy, about a month ago.  It was too late to help him and he died of massive liver failure.  He never let on that he was sick until the end.  Another of his mates was adopted to a loving home where he is treated like a prince (Batman).  That leaves just Marshmallow and Bernhard and they were days from being adopted to wonderful homes and the life they so deserve.

He's about 18 years old, a handsome mini with a flowing mane.  He's survived a horrible last few years and we want to help him get healthy!  Please give what you can!

Please, forward this to anyone you know who might give.  We need your help asking the right people.  


13 Hands Equine Rescue Inc.

About the Organization

284 Guard Hill Road
Bedford Corner, New York 10549

EIN: 81-0828555




  • Update

    We have sad news to report.  After many efforts to save him, Marshmallow passed away in hospital of heart failure.  Thanks so much for your caring and support.  He was a great little pony who was dealt a rough hand.  God speed Marshmallow.  

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