Giving Tuesday for AMD

You can help improve the lives of people living with migraine! Help us fulfill our mission to expand the understanding of migraine. Through supporting research, education and awareness, we strive to help provide better treatments, improved care and more support for people living with this debilitating disease.


Your donation can help us provide awareness gear, distribute educational resources and most importantly, fund research to give people hope for better days. When you are done donating (or if you are unable to give) please consider sharing this with your friends and family so they can contribute, too!

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Fundraise for this Campaign

Campaign Details


Need help deciding how much to give?

Here's what your donation means for us:

$10,000 - Pays for our Core Grant (funds a research project in Otolaryngology, last year's project was on Vestibular Migraine)

$500 Can fund any of the following:

  • Production of 1 full animated patient education video
  • Production and distribution of 1 full Spotlight on Migraine podcast episode
  • Two blog posts written by a person with migraine (helps AMD have educational material to share AND provides income to a person with migraine)
  • Our Society for Neuroscience booth (an event where we engage researchers in migraine)
  • 1 Symposium Speaker's Travel to event 

$100 - 1 Full Migraine Resource Kit for Healthcare Providers (helps hundreds of patients!)

$50 - 5 Shades for Migraine T-shirts

$25 - 10 Pairs of Shades for Migraine Sunglasses

$10 - 1 Exam Room Poster for a doctor's office

Association of Migraine Disorders

About the Organization

The Association of Migraine Disorders expands the understanding of migraine through research, education & awareness. AMD educates providers with the Migraine Resource Kit. AMD shares expert opinions on its podcast, Spotlight on Migraine. AMD holds an annual Migraine Symposium to explore new hot topics. To gain the support of the general public, AMD hosts an awareness campaign, Shades for Migraine. AMD also supports migraine research.



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