Spay N Neuter Funds-Day Sunday

Wall of Love

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Spay N Neuter Funds-Day Sunday

After losing funding for spay/neuter procedures, we are capable of fixing only one or two kitties weekly. Not nearly enough to continue saving more lives. Read more.

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Beverly HarperContact Organizer

Campaign Details

Our policy is for all our kitties to be spayed and neutered before adoption day, to increase their overall quality of life.

With less surgeries our adoption rates have steadily plummeted. So many of our kitties are losing out on adoption opportunities. It has become a common occurrence for potential adopters to opt-out on unaltered kitties due to uncertain wait times. The kitties who do get spoken for have an extended stay with us waiting to be fixed. Adoptive families also miss out on precious memorable time with their new feline friends. With less kitties going home space for new intakes is practically non-existent. The lack of space is alarming, especially because we are often their last chance of survival...

All of our spay/neuter procedures were funded by Loretta Cowger and Virginia Brasher. They dedicated much of their time, energy, and personal finances to not only transporting our kitties back and forth for these surgeries, but also fully absorbing the costs of transportation and after care. After many many years of their wonderful work, it is no longer feasible due to personal financial hardships.

We have decided it is now necessary to ask our supporters (You) for help.

The surgeries typically cost up to $100 per kitty. This price includes vaccinations, very important health screenings, and possible unexpected procedures for special cases. As a non-profit our very limited funds only allows for us to fix one maybe two cats on a weekly basis. That is if we are lucky enough.

So from this day forth, Sunday's are dedicated to Spay/Neuter surgeries. This campaign will be ongoing with no end date or monetary goal. The purpose is to encourage more support from our community by displaying everyone's consistent and ongoing contributions towards such a specific and important expense/need of ours. Every heart placed on our wall is a sign of love, support, and generosity from a kind soul who is joining us on our mission.

We have faith in the power of our community to help us not only raise awareness on this ongoing issue, but to also help us gain more overall support to continue our life saving work. It can start with you.

Will you help us fix our kitties by placing a heart on our wall?

Every share, donation, mention is greatly appreciated. This work would not be possible without our loving, generous, and kind supporters.

Our mission remains as always, to save the world... one cat at a time.

Thank you!

-ACC Team.

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