Saving Wild Horses for a lifetime

Return to Freedom (RTF) is a national non- profit organization dedicated to preserving the freedom, diversity and habitat of wild horses and burros through sanctuary, education, national advocacy and conservation.

Four years of severe drought has impacted our resources; rising hay costs and dried up wells.

With over 350 wild horses and burros, we need your help.

After the roundup, after the rescue, RTF provides sanctuary for a lifetime.

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  • $1,398Raised
  • $20,000Goal

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Campaign Details

Saving Wild Horses one herd at a time! Providing sanctuary, educational programs and defending wild horses and burros on federal and state lands.

For 18 years, Return to Freedom has operated The American Wild Horse Sanctuary which currently provides refuge and care for 350 wild horses and 45 burros in 3 locations- most who were relocated to the sanctuary in their natural family and social bands so they can continue to live out their natural lives together.

RTF's Wild Horse sanctuary was created as a model to explore and implement minimally invasive management solutions for wild horses and burros that can be and is being applied on the range as an alternative to the costly and traumatic capture and warehousing of wild horses.

At our location in Central Coastal California, 4 years of the most devastating drought in history, has wreaked havoc on our resources leaving our wells dry for most of 2015.

Thanks to our donors we are able to continue our lifesaving work!

Water catchment, additional shelters and fencing improvements are just some of the sustainability projects continue this year!

Please consider a small or large gift to our Sanctuary fund!

Waterhole Photo: Elissa Kline Photography 2013

Return to Freedom

About the Organization

P.O. BOX 926
Lompoc, CA 93438

EIN: 06-1484961



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